Customer Success Salary Survey Hey fellow CS colleagues, Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and contribute to a more informed and equitable CS industry!We kindly request that only individuals currently working in the field of customer success participate in this survey. Thank you! Please select your company's industry Click to Select... Accounting & Legal Adtech Aerospace & Defence Civil Engineering Cyber CRM Automotive Banking Biotech BI Energy and Utilities Gov Tech Fintech HR Tech Information Technology Tech Insurance Internet Marketing software Media and Publishing Med Tech Project Management Real Estate Retail Solutions Telecommunication Transportation solutions Travel solutions What stage is your company at? Click to Select... Pre-Seed Stage Seed Stage Series A Funding Series B Funding Series C/D Funding or more Post Acquisition / IPO / Merger What is the size of your Company? What is the size of your CS group? Please select your role title Click to Select... COO CCO VP Customer Success Director of Customer Success Head of Customer Success Customer Success Team Lead Junior CSM Senior CSM CSM CS Operations (Non-managerial) CS Operations Lead/Director/Head of How many years of experience do you have in your current role level? Please write your *monthly* base salary in ILS only (Full number, for example - 25000) Please write your *monthly* bonus in ILS only (Full number, for example - 5000) How would you rate your satisfaction with your current salary ? (Scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest, and 5 being the highest) 1 2 3 4 5 My workload is manageable. (1 - I am overwhelmed, 5 - I am on top of everything) 1 2 3 4 5 Do you carry a quota, for either renewals or upsells? Click to Select... No Renewals Upsells Both What customer success tool do you use? Click to Select... None - Excel None - Salesforce None - Other CRM ChurnZero Planhat Vitally Catalyst Gainsight Totango SmartKarrot Other What is the biggest challenge in your day2day? Before you go, is there anything else you'd like to share? Send